CUFP 2017

Commercial Users of Functional Programming

September 7th-9th — Oxford, United Kingdom

Functional Programming has been at the forefront of a new generation of programming technologies, and companies have been successfully utilizing functional programming to enable more flexible, robust, and effective software development.

The annual CUFP workshop is designed to serve the growing community of commercial users of functional programming. Practitioners meet and collaborate, language designers and users share ideas about the future of their languages, and experts share their expertise on practical functional programming.

CUFP is co-located with ICFP and consists of two components: Tutorials and Talks.


Thursday-Friday, September 7th-8th

CUFP tutorials are in-depth, hands-on sessions for learning functional programming languages, libraries and toolkits directly from the experts and leaders in their fields. In the past, we have had a broad variety of tutorials, including OCaml, Scripting Haskell, LiquidHaskell, PureScript, Coq, F* for programming effectful programs, and Clojure.


Saturday, September 9th

Talks are by expert practitioners and will be split between experience reports, describing ways in which functional programming has been used, either successfully or unsuccessfully, in the real world; and technical talks, which will detail techniques and approaches for applying functional programming in practical settings.

