Fable is an open source compiler that brings all the power of F# to the JS ecosystem: static typing with type inference, functional paradigm, pattern matching, type providers, besides a comprehensive library to handle collections, text, observables, etc. which translates to less than 30KB in JS.
Fable doesn't pack any runtime with the app and generates very clean JS code which adheres to new ES6 patterns, like modules or iterables, making it compatible with modern JS development tools: Babel, Webpack, React Hot Loader... Also, Fable is not only for front-end web apps, it integrates with the whole JS ecosystem including server-side node apps, desktop with Github Electron and mobile with Fuse or React Native.
Tutorial objectives
By the end of the tutorial, attendees will be able to use F# to create a simple web app, desktop app and mobile app. Attendees can decide in which one they want to focus.
Target audience
App developers interested in functional programming, no prior F# experience is needed
Infrastructure Required
Attendees must install F# and Node.js on their computers. Instructions for installation on each OS platform can be found in the respective websites: fsharp.org and nodejs.org. An IDE, like Atom or Visual Studio Code with Ionide plugin (http://ionide.io), is also recommended.