BoF: Cross Language Serialization

  • Anton Lavrik
October 01, 2010 6:00 - 8:00 PM

Room 1

Topic: a BOF session for discussing cross-language interoperability in general and cross-language data serialization in particular.

The ability for functional languages to inter-operate with other programming languages especially in heterogeneous and distributed environments is critical for their commercial applicability.

The situation with cross-system interoperability for FP has been constantly improving, however there are a lot of challenges and problems to be solved. Some problems are caused by the fact that FP languages usually offer a richer and sometimes incompatible data models compared to mainstream programming languages. Other problems exist due to small user communities.

There are several projects which are related to the proposed topic and which I'm aware of.

Confirmed attendees: Anton Lavrik, Martin Jambon, Thomas Gazagnaire, Anil Madhavapeddy, Mark Lentczner, Sylvain Le Gall, Matthias Horn, Ashish Agarwal